Welcome to what will hopefully be the last of the barely coherent Raw recaps due to Uncharted-related lack of sleeping. LET'S A GO!
Segment #1 - Shane and Stephanie McMahon promo
Oh for god's sake, for the fourth week in a row Shane McMahon is in control of Raw for absolutely no reason and they're not even bothering to explain why. I don't even understand what the point is, instead of keeping him on in a "temporary" role and giving him credit for all the great matches the TALENT are having why don't you just establish him as the new authority and that this is a new direction for the company as a whole. Instead, we have the old shtick as always with the authority figure kicking off the show every week with the exact same promo, only this time it doesn't even make sense because Shane keeps talking about the "new era" when in storyline he's only in this job on a week by week basis.
Well anyway, Stephanie interrupts him and says that his Raw is his last week because at Payback Vince is going to decide who's running the show from now on...well good that's something at least, but still doesn't excuse the laziness and contrivance of all this or why this all has to be smothered by McMahon bickering in the first place. Shane says he's still in charge for this show so gets Stephanie thrown out of the arena by security, I'm also not sure how that works, Stephanie is still technically ranked above Shane even if he is "running" the show. Like, if I'm made guest editor on Kotaku for a week I can commission all the content to be Ace Attorney retrospectives but I don't think they'd let me have their staff writers thrown in a skip.
Segment #2 - AJ Styles Vs Sheamus
The commentators put over the story of this match which is AJ Vs A Big Beefy Tough Dude Like Roman Reigns to prove that he can hang with the big guys. It's Reigns Vs Del Rio later on and I wonder if the commentary will be like "ROMAN REIGNS IS FIGHTING A WRESTLER GUY WHO KNOWS HOW TO WRESTLE TO GET READY FOR PAYBACK DO YOU GET IT YET WE'RE NOT GOOD AT SUBTLE META-NARRATIVE".
Anyway these guys have a decent match, even if Sheamus seemed to struggle to keep up with AJ at times. AJ takes out Sheamus with the Phenomenal Forearm to further establish that as a finisher because no way is Roman taking a Styles Clash. Gallows and Anderson appear on the ramp after the match to congratulate AJ and we cut backstage to the Usos and Roman Reigns watching all this on TV.
Uso 1 - "You know we got your back!"
Reigns - "You know what I'm going to say..."
Uso 2 - "ONE VS ALL™"
Uso 1 - "Y'know, sometimes the One needs help from the All"
Reigns - "Sometimes the All needs help from the One"
JEEZUS, and some people got angry about the dialogue in Jupiter Ascending. I know if the Usos wrote their own scripts their lines would have been replaced with OOOOOOO AHHAAAA HOOOOO but that would still be better than this shite.
Segment #3 - New Day, Vaudevillains and SAWFT promo
Everyone comes out and does their shtick and that's about it. Last week I said WWE needed to make their mind up whether SAWFT's music played during Enzo's promo or not and this week they turned it off halfway through...if they're going to do stuff deliberately just to annoy me I'll stop complaining about Shane McMahon in these things. I like the idea of this tag tournament ending at Payback but *ahem*, it would have been nice to have given New Day something to do during this time rather than have one of the most popular acts in the company do bugger all for a month.
Incredibly minor and petty point; John Cena's return is announced for "Memorial Day" I'M BRITISH I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS.
Segment #4 - Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows Vs The Usos
JBL points out this is one of WWE's best tag teams versus one of Japan's best tag team and is a "dream match", and you know what I kind of agree, it certainly feels a little wasted to blow on the go home Raw to a Pay-Per-View neither of these teams are officially on but at least it's related to Reigns Vs Styles. JBL goes on to say "people who don't win championships bitch about pushing boundaries" which was shortly followed by that awkward uncomfortable silence that's a regular occurrence on WWE commentary these days as Vince screams another chunk of free will out of the announcers' brains.
I liked the match itself, it went on a while and was about 85% Anderson and Gallows offence, even when the Usos get a hot tag their comeback gets cut off after about a minute.
With the Usos hosting a storyline injury it gives us a match and a strong debut for Anderson and Gallows without completely blowing off the match for good, we can look forward to a more competitive rematch sometime in the future,
Anderson and Gallows get the win and continue the beatdown after the match, Reigns makes the save to massive boos and chases them off.
AJ Styles is interviewed, Anderson and Gallows interrupt and they all bro it up.
A nice little promo package is shown for Sami Zayn and Kevin Owen's story.
Segment #5 - Sami Zayn Vs Rusev
The League of Nations current role seems to be "Insert Heels Here". Need a heel opponent where it doesn't matter how crap they look after the match? TRY LEAGUE OF NATIONS.
Early into the match Michael Cole announces that Samoa Joe won the NXT Championship at a live event, and something about hearing Michael Cole say the words "Samoa Joe" flipped a switch in my brain and I'm no longer sure what dimension I'm in. I should probably go to bed.
Turns out this is an AMAZING matchup, Rusev throws Sami around like a ragdoll, Sami sells everything like he's been fired out of a cannon, then fires up so convincingly that he knocks Rusev down with a clothesline as Rusev sits up with a look on his face like he somehow got knocked over by the gust of a bumblebee's wings. After apparently getting killed about three times Sami gets a win off a rollup, Lana screws up throwing her shoes at him and Kevin Owens attacks him from behind.
Really liked the match, definitely want to see more of these two in the future.
Apollo Crews is interviewed for two seconds before he's interrupted by Stardust. There's something off with Apollo, I think he might be too nice of a guy in real life, like he has such a nice smile and comes off so friendly on television that my brain can't accept him as real. There's definitely something wrong when the guy in facepaint doing an impression of Mark Hamill's Joker crossed with Frank Gorshin's Riddler is coming off as more convincing.
Segment #6 - Apollo Crews Vs Stardust
It's kind of painful to watch how much Cody Rhodes has PERFECTED this Stardust persona but outside of that one match with Green Arrow man they've never done anything with it. I fear having Stardust as some weirdo jobber who only shows up every now and then is making people forget how good he is.
Anyway the match is exactly the same as all the other Apollo quick wins. MOVING ON.
Segment #7 - Dean Ambrose and Chris Jericho promo
OH MY GOD, Dean Ambrose actually did a real wrestling promo! Y'know, like one everyone has always known he was capable of but has never done on WWE television ever? It was crisp, clean, intense, didn't derail itself to awkwardly squeeze in awful pre-written jokes and got both guys and the match over. It's the closest Dean Ambrose has ever come to Jon Moxley.
Dadicho comes out, berates Ambrose and demands an apology, Ambrose gives a quick response and they have a fight. Not so hot on Ambrose getting bested so easily and being put in the Walls of Jericho on the announce table, but he's probably winning at Payback (god, hopefully, RIP him if he doesn't). Otherwise, this was great, the kind of segment that reminds you this company is bursting with potentially entertaining talent that is constantly misused.
Segment #8 - Emma Vs Natalya
I skimmed this a bit because Charlotte was on commentary and life's too short, fortunately the match was too and Natalya beats Emma in a couple of minutes with the Sharpshooter. After the match Natalya goes after Charlotte but she hides behind Ric Flair, who has some kind of gash on his forehead for some reason, I imagine he was blading in the parking lot earlier in the day for a laugh.
They play a tribute video package to Chyna...which I have mixed feelings on.
I wasn't much of a fan of Chyna personally, I'm first and foremost a wrestling fan and uh...as a wrestler she wasn't great. Forcing her to work with a bunch of clearly uncomfortable men who pulled back all their offence led to mostly terrible matches. But she was a vital strong female presence in an era that desperately needed one, and to more casual non-jerk fans she was like an Amazon princess thriving in a sea of obnoxious dudebros. As far as WWE history goes she's an important figure who can't be ignored.
Which is why it grosses me out so much that that's totally what they've done for the past decade, with Triple H admitting that it was because of her personal issues and sex work. It's amazing that they've got over all that now that she's passed, and trended on social media so her stock has gone up. I don't know what to say really, it's not like it would be better if they continued to ignore her, but there's something so corporate and cynical about every aspect of this.
Maybe it's just because I can't shake the feeling that maybe some acknowledgement by the company she contributed so much to could have helped her.
Segment #9 - Baron Corbin Vs Damien Sandow
DAMIEN SANDOW ON RAW????...oh it's just a Corbin squash match, and he's back to his "Hallelujah" music so he's not going to be climbing out of this pit any time soon. Still got a decent crowd reaction though.
Oh well, the match doesn't even happen, Ziggler attacks Corbin on the ramp during his entrance and chases him off as the crowd chants for Sandow. I guess out of all the jobbers they could have dusted off they didn't HAVE to give the free TV time to Sandow of all people.
Segment #10 - The Miz, Maryse and Cesaro promo
The Miz berates Cesaro and all his nerdy fans. "*Points to crowd* That's what the Cesaro section looks like *points to Maryse* and this is what the Miz section looks like!" Money.
Cesaro comes out and there's a little James Bond spotlight on the lower tron...the commentators didn't acknowledge it so I don't know if that's a movie joke because Miz or if that's a new thing for him. Cesaro is great, and I certainly don't agree he's lacking in charisma, but having him go back and forth with the Miz on the microphone with these awful pre-written movie references is just bad.
He knocks out Miz with his launched uppercut thing which they're calling "Sudden Impact" now, with the height he gets on it I'd call it Sudden Impact EX myself, he's definitely pressing two punches.
Segment #11 - Roman Reigns Vs Alberto Del Rio
Reigns comes out and gets booed, but they immediately cut to him hanging out with disabled kids during his entrance to make everyone feel back. God, I don't even know how cynical to say this is, John Cena does tons of charity work but I don't ever remember him hugging cancer kids during his entrance in front of the special "hug cancer kids" camera with the "FUCK CANCER" graphic on the screen to null his crowd reactions. Oh well if that was the intention everyone started booing him again when he got into the ring.
Having flashbacks to Batista Vs Del Rio at Elimination Chamber 2014 here, although people were a lot more passionate about that. My least favourite thing about Raw right now is I'm never sure whether they're muting the crowd audio or if people are genuinely that indifferent.
The match is exactly what you'd expect until Anderson and Gallows come out during the match. They distract Roman, Del Rio gets a roll up, Roman kicks out and then immediately just wins the match giving you a preview of a finish that would cause riots in Chicago. Anderson and Gallows go to attack Reigns, AJ comes out and tells them to back off, Reigns hits a Superman Punch on AJ, fights off Anderson and Gallows then AJ hits a Phenomenal Forearm on Reigns. Well put together little sequence to close the show.
Closing Thoughts
I think all of these recaps from the past couple of weeks can be summed up with "the bits where the talent are wrestling or doing their own thing are good, the bits where twats try to win an Emmy for screenwriting it all falls apart". It's weird, these shows have been much more simple in a way I really appreciate, basic segments and matches all with a clear purpose to build towards something else, so in that environment the god awful writing and sanitised overproduced commentary and presentation grate more than ever.
This show did a decent job for building for Payback but only because Payback isn't exactly a show that's going to set the world on fire either way. It's WWE hitting the reset button and getting pieces in place for the future, but with that said AJ Vs Reigns has intrigue, we've been told why we should care about Jericho/Amrose and Zayn/Owens aside from them being probably good matches and there's a vague promise that after Payback the situation with Shane McMahon will finally make some bloody sense.
RATING: Thumbs mostly up, at about One Vs All o' clock.