Sunday, 20 October 2013

Quick Thoughts on Big Show storyline

This is a short blog post I wrote on my Facebook page yesterday, don't forget you can like my page right HERE.

I'm pretty disappointed WWE have devalued yet another storyline by doing the whole "X is fired, but X will appear on every single show anyway" thing like they have with Big Show. Honestly, it's even worse than when John Cena got "fired" a couple of years ago with the Nexus stuff, at least when he got involved in stuff there was a reason for him to be in the building and they established he was taking those guys out guerrillas style .

Before anyone argues "oh it's wrestling it's allowed to be dumb etc. etc." that's fine, but it has to make some kind of sense in its own world. How does a guy who looks as distinctive as Big Show get past security and have the time to calmly cut a promo in the middle of the ring on Smackdown? Why would Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero go down and confront him alone, especially when they established in the opening promo of the show that's there's double pressure on them to not balls things up. Even if you BS up some explanation for how he got in the arena, through the crowd and into the ring when there are VISIBLY real security guards standing there doing nothing, why didn't he got mobbed by them the second the camera crew caught him? Are they suggesting Big Show took out everyone before he got to the ring? Did he hang from gargoyles and stealth K.O. punch all of them Batman: Arkham Asylum style? WHAT? 

Making no sense isn't the issue though, it's awful storytelling. There's no consequence for any of the actions Big Show does and there's no heat on The Authority and it diminishes their threat to everyone. All those months of buildup, all those terrible things Big Show was forced to do all mean nothing now because there wasn't any reason he couldn't say no. He clearly doesn't care about his family as much as he claimed to trespassing and risking address every time WWE does a show out of a petty vendetta, and he seems perfectly aware of the fact that it's wrestling and as long as he keeps stirring trouble he'll get offered a match to get his job back eventually. There's no consequence, no arc, no drama, no redemption, there's not even any wrestling in it at the moment, it's just a bunch of stuff that's happening that's as silly as it is dull.

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