So the first two weekly shows of the "New Era" are in the bag. Raw was pretty good, a little lazy in some places but there were good matches and more importantly it was fantastically paces making it one of the breeziest 3 hour Raw episodes ever. With the Monday show getting a big tick from most fans all eyes were on the now live Smackdown the next night to keep up the momentum and...sadly it wasn't very good.
WWE kept up their trend of boring debuts and call ups by having a conga line of women on the roster show up one by one and introduce themselves in about 15 seconds so none of them make an impression. Randy Orton continues to be in funny dad mode which is the worst form of Orton imaginable to put in the ring with Brock Lesnar, then his match with Miz was thrown out after 30 seconds when he took an awkward bump on the apron with his injured shoulder while getting tossed out between the ropes (of course, with the show being live they still had to fill time so Orton had to charge up the beefiest, not-outta-nowhere-at-all RKO for about two minutes to finish Miz off). And once again, the so called "creative" teams of WWE couldn't come up with anything more compelling to kickstart a title scene than throwing a bunch of dudes in the ring at once with a miss-and-hit battle royal and a boring six man pack challenge to decide Dean Ambrose's first challenger of the new roster for Summerslam.
The participants were John Cena, AJ Styles, Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin, Apollo Crews and Bray Wyatt. Cena and Styles are almost certainly going to have another match at Summerslam so they're out, Crews and Corbin may not be considered ready for this opportunity just yet, god knows what WWE are ever planning with Bray Wyatt so that leaves us with...oh no...
Dolph Ziggler.
Dolph. Ziggler.
Dolph Ziggler is competing for the WWE Championship at Summerslam.
I would like to say the reaction to this has been mixed but I'm not so sure about that. Some people are excited and others less so but the underlying response from most fans has been confusion. Maybe WWE will live to regret putting Finn Balor over Roman Reigns on his first night and sending him after the title immediately, especially if he's going to lose, but whether it works or not it's definitely an inspired choice that feels like a statement about the future of the brand. Ziggler on the other hand comes off as completely random.
After being initially annoyed at confused by Ziggler's win on the night, since then I've been playing this match in my night again and again and 48 hours later I am willing to stamp my snark onto the internet and declare this to be a TERRIBLE decision. At best, it's a waste of time for everyone involved, at worst it'll undermine the brand split, Smackdown, the championship and both participants at next year's Wrestlemania when the Smackdown title match is back to a midcard spot like the old days we'll look back on this as one of WWE's worst decisions of the year.
So what's wrong with it? Well first things first it's not a very interesting matchup where the strengths of both guys work against each other. Ambrose is only one month into his title reign, a title reign a lot of people were starting to think would never happen, it's viewed as a "glass ceiling" breaking moment by a lot of fans. If you want to make a statement about Dean Ambrose being the top dog of the newly established Smackdown roster the last thing you want to do is have his first challenger be a guy with zero momentum who has also been bouncing his head off the glass ceiling over the years, ESPECIALLY when it's a guy Ambose has already wrestled and beaten multiple times on free television this year. Since Dean Ambrose has not been cemented as a main event mainstay yet, this only drags him (and therefore the championship) down to Ziggler's level and not the other way round.
Then there's the age old issue of babyface vs babyface encounters being fundamentally the most boring matches. They can work when it's two top guys who rarely ever touch, or two incredibly popular guys who are the polar opposite of each other like John Cena Vs Daniel Bryan so there's still an interesting conflict without making either one a jerk, but Ambrose Vs Ziggler is a match we've seen plenty of times before and it's not exactly a clash of the titans. Not to mention, both are at their best when they're making emotional scrappy comebacks, but neither are prone to dominate matches so drawing people in to care about a match at this level is going to be an uphill climb at best.
People will point out that the match itself will be pretty good, and yea it probably will be if pure craft is enough for you to enjoy a wrestling match (disclaimer: it's usually not for me), but who cares! There's good matches on free television pretty much every week now! Sure, it's good for a Pay-Per-View card to have some matches on the card where you know the guys are going to go out there and put on a good show, but traditionally we like to call those talents "midcarders". Still, as Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens just proved at Battleground, even those matches work much better when there's an interesting conflict. Forgetting the quality of the actual match though, I'd like to remind all of you that WWE have just performed a brand split and have established Smackdown as a live show on Tuesday with its own roster, and what is god's name is supposed to draw us into watching Smackdown with Ziggler Vs Ambrose? I can't wait for weeks of "I respect you but I'M GONNA FIGHT YOU FOR THIS" promos, maybe they'll even tag together against some heels and Ziggler will superkick him by accident! CAN'T WAIT MATE.
You may argue that the match was only announced recently and I shouldn't judge a storyline that hasn't got going yet, but no matter what they pull out I don't see how they can make this interesting. Dolph Ziggler has no momentum right now, he's done nothing of note this year other than a horrible feud with Baron Corbin and a completely forgettable Intercontinental title feud with Kevin Owens (you forgot about that until now didn't you? C'mon, be honest, you did). Ziggler also happens to be one of the worst babyfaces on the roster, it's not necessarily his fault but he's a guy who calls himself the Show Off and brags about how good he is and consistently loses in 5 minute matches on television. He's constantly made to look like a complete goof and a complete goof isn't exactly a compelling matchup for Ambrose's "unpredictable wildman" shtick.
You might say they'll try to make Ziggler look more credible over the coming weeks, and I'll assume you having been watching wrestling very long. Seriously, in the dead talent pool years of 2009-2012 WWE tried this ALL THE TIME. They were so desperate for new stars they would take midcard guys and give them big wins or feuds out of nowhere (Legacy Vs DX, Wade Barrett Vs Randy Orton, Alex Riley Vs The Miz, R-Truth Vs Cena, Del Rio Vs Edge, Ziggler Vs lots of people, Jack Swagger's World Heavyweight Championship win (that title NEVER removed from that) and the list goes on and on) and it NEVER WORKED. WWE would get one or two low rated Pay-Per-Views out of them and then they'd flop back down to their midcard void within months.
Then there's the positioning of the match on the Summerslam card as a whole. The only justification for WWE going for an unconventional choice is they're figuring Orton Vs Lesnar, Finn Vs Seth and probably Cena Vs AJ are going to be the three top matches on the show and they have no need for a fourth main event worthy match. Once again, the obvious point there is IT'S NOT A MAIN EVENT WORTHY MATCH, which would be okay if Dean Ambrose's title reign hadn't only just begun on top of a brand new roster. But even if the thinking is the WWE title match doesn't matter wasting this slot on a currently irrelevant Ziggler is still a missed opportunity. Honestly, any one of the five other men in the six pack challenge would have been a better option, even Crews or Corbin.
Imagine Ambrose Vs Corbin; it would have been a fresh interesting match, it wouldn't have taken shine away from the other top matches, it's a good contrast to Raw's main event, Corbin's and Ambrose's personalities would have clashed instantly, the match itself would let Corbin look strong while letting Ambrose do all his antics and establish himself as a fighting champion against a major physical threat, and it still would have kept in line with WWE's message of giving new talent opportunities. Whereas Dolph Ziggler Vs Dean Ambrose is a 3 and a half star match where the fans will chant "This is Awesome" because one of them will kick out of a finisher. Again, CAN'T WAIT MATE.
I suppose this match could potentially be justified if the endgame is to have one of them turn heel, Ambrose is arguably more interesting as a heel and Ziggler's needed a character shakeup for a while, but again this doesn't feel like the venue for it. The timing's not great for Ambrose right now and Ziggler's not a big enough deal for a turn against him to have the required impact, and the fact Ziggler's not a big enough deal means if he is going to turn heel he has no business doing it in a WWE championship match. Even then, I can only see that heel turn working if he screws over Ambrose and wins the title, the two problems with that are 1) it involves putting the title on him (*shudder*) and 2) too many people would be genuinely excited for that to happen regardless of how it happens that it wouldn't work as a heel turn anyway. This is just one of the many reasons why pairing two "glass ceiling" guys up with each other right away is not a very good idea.
My final objection to this match stems from my biggest fear regarding this "New Era" in general. As genuinely intriguing as it was, I was concerned that Finn showing up on Raw, winning two matches including a clean win over Reigns to become No 1 Contender on his first night was blatant pandering to the vocal minority of the audience. With Smackdown pulling something similar with Ziggler the following night, I can't help but feel these two moves are a calculated attempt to get people screaming on Twitter for the sake of that sweet sweet social media traction baby. I worry that either this is a completely empty gesture to appease these people, or WWE are actually going with this and the show might start to suck real hard, and I fear if the show does start to suck real hard they'll blame these talents rather than their own lack of compelling storytelling.
In closing, I'm going to intentionally be a huge jerk for a paragraph or two. Hey wrestling fans, could you please get over yourselves just a little? Can you stop praising bad creative decisions because you perceive someone you like might be getting "pushed" or put "over" someone you don't like? Can you stop going nuts for matches where dudes pull out a couple of flashy moves in a row when there's zero reason to care about anything that's happening? If you're going to constantly be critical of "booking", can you at least remember that wrestling is an ongoing soap opera where talents need to have long term appeal and storylines need to remain functional for months, and not judge the writing entirely on a gut reaction to what is immediately in front of you?
I'm so tired of people freaking out, positively or negatively, to a main event talent beating a midcarder clean or vice versa. WWE is a business, these matches do not take place in a vacuum, if Kalisto beat John Cena clean in the second match of Smackdown next week it wouldn't be compelling or interesting or excited it would be flat out bad business, and if you consider that comment to be a knock against Kalisto or his talent please call up your local government immediately and renounce your right to internet access. It was only a couple of years ago we were all hanging off the edge of our seats following the rise of Daniel Bryan, caring about everything he went through and hoping he would success. People used to care about wrestling, these performers and these stories used to mean something. Now, apparently it's "good enough" if WWE flops together a random meaningless title match as long as the guys in it are """getting a push""".
Sadly, Dean Ambrose Vs Dolph Ziggler may as well be taking place in a vacuum for all the intrigue it has, and I'm sorry but the fact it will be a "good match" at the potential expense of the talent, brand and credibility of the title is simply not good enough.